Iris "Rainbow Eagle" – That's me!


 Born in 1978 in Graz


4 years of elementary school in Wolfsberg / Carinthia


8 years at the Benedictine collegiate high school in St. Paul im Lavanttal


    + Modern language branch – Latin, English, French in depth, Italian


    + Matura 1996



State-certified ski instructor BAFL Vienna March 1996


from autumn 1996 studies in Graz: medicine, then also psychology, both of which I consciously stopped after a while in order to fully pursue the path of my calling and become and be a spiritual healer - but I still benefit immensely from all the things that I was able to learn at the University of Graz (medical basics in physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, histology, anatomy, both dissection courses, first aid, .... basics in psychology, statistics, test structure, ....)




2001 Completion of training as a qualified mental trainer according to Tepperwein, qualified children's mental trainer




In the last 20 years, training, the births of my 3 children (2005, 2008 and 2011), building a house and setting up my husband's company as a self-employed builder and also my own professional independence as a human energy specialist (since the end of 2009) have all merged together There were many exciting challenges, courageous decisions, consciously taken paths, sleepless nights, and a lot of life and love - all of this made me who I am today - a strong woman full of rough edges and scars who is committed to all her tasks and problems that seemed insoluble at first, but which always ended well, have grown so much that their courage has never left them and now, after 20 years of relationship, 12 of which were married, they dare to take the leap into the “new” and daring to start over with three children, a house and a dog.




Training, seminars, courses, the most intensive self-study, all of which flow into my work and, combined with my innate clairvoyant, intuitive and healing abilities, my very intense high sensitivity and my deeply anchored values of authenticity and integrity, result in and make up everything that I am who I am and what I express in my calling as a healer.





Diplomierte Mentaltrainerin nach Tepperwein


Diplomierte Kindermentaltrainerin


Certified Matrix Energetics (ME) Practitioner


Master Harmonics Resonance Technology MHRT


Master Energy Dynamics (MED)


ME Fundamentals


ME Field Trip


ME Whizard’s Training


ME Mastery


Shambala Reiki Level 1-3


Basis Seminare Naturheilpraxis Petschenig


Reinkarnationstherapie Mag. Haberle


Shamanic Eagle Healer


Shamanic Healing of Deep Trauma


Siberian Shamanic Organ Healing


Chi Nei Tsang ( Organ Massage) / aus dem Taoismus


Shaman Healer Siberian Tradition (“Rainbow Eagle”)


Life without Fear


Shamanic Death Rituals


Clearing Family and Ancestral Karma




Cranio Sacral Therapy




Clearvoyance / hellsichtige Heilungsarbeit Hennergetics






meine Lehrer der obigen Ausbildungen:


Dr. Richard Bartlett MD


Melissa Joy Johnsson


Hendrik de Boer




Dancing Thunder


Mag. Haberle


Ingrid Petschenig


Dierkje Veltman




Intensivste Beschäftigung mit folgenden Themen und den Lehren folgender Personen, durch Bücher, Online Vorträgen, Videos, Spiritualität…..




Psychosomatik, Trauma, Sucht, Sexualität und Trauma, Substanzenmissbrauch (inklusive Medikamenten), PTSD, Borderline, Alkoholismus, Meditation, Selbstheilung…..




Dr. Gabor Mate, Peter R. Breggin, Benthino Massaro, Rüdiger Dahlke, Robert Whitaker, Peter C. Goetzsche, Jeffrey Rediger, Raphael Bonelli, Simon Sinek, David Wilcock, Veit Lindau, Russel Brand,………


If you would like to know more about this, please contact me! I am happy to talk to you!